Monday, July 19, 2010

What to do?

Pretty sure I still have the "ask the audience" lifeline in play, and I'm going to use it now. Looking for any guidance you can give me in a landlord/tenant situation. Usually stuff is either common sense, or it is covered by fairly clear legal guidelines. But this situation is new (for me), and I am frankly stumped. That's where you come in . . . .

For the past four years, I have been managing a rental cabin in Crestline. After 3 and 1/2 years, the current tenant will be moving out next week. Last weekend I received a call from a couple interested in leasing it, and gave them the address so they could drive by. They pulled over in front of the cabin, and the current renter happened to be in the front. She offered to show them inside, so they received a brief tour. They liked it. Linda (name changed) called me this morning to share this, to say she really liked them, and said, "the couple is black--is that a problem for you?" Anyone who knows me even remotely should figure out how I answered that question. But then she said, "You know my next door neighbor Bill (name changed)? The older retired gentleman? Well, after they left he came over and asked what they were doing there." Bottom line: Linda and I live in the real world, where everyone gets along. Bill, on the other hand, is old school, meaning . . .well, that's part of the problem. Not really sure "how" old school (racist) he is--nor do I really care. HOWEVER, the potential renters might care.

Here's where my confusion lies: do I disclose to this nice young couple that if they move in, they may have a neighbor who doesn't like them (possibly a lot)? By doing so, would they get the (wrong) impression that I am trying to get them not to rent the cabin? Or, should this issue just be left alone to work itself out, and not even bring it up--hoping that Bill will deal with it in a "civilized" manner, and that the couple won't know or won't care about his "attitude" towards people different from himself? Honestly, I really have no idea how to proceed here--audience--you have 60 seconds, and the clock . . .starts . . .now. Any thoughts, suggestions, opinions are welcome--thanks.


Jeff and Aimee said...

Hey Smebs-- I don't think you should broach the topic at all with the potential renters. From what you reported, it doesn't sound like the racist neighbor was overtly hostile, just annoyed, so he's not likely to actually hurt the possible new tenants. Maybe you should write down exactly what Linda said he said for future reference if there are problems later on. I'm sure the people looking at the house have dealt with petty racism before but for you to bring it up to them even though nothing of consequence actually occurred might birth something that would have otherwise been nothing. I understand your concern for them, but as long as you behave uprightly and professionally then that's all you're responsible for. The world is littered with quietly racist people, unfortunately.

Kia Gregory said...

Hey Smebdog, me and my Mister rented a house for a year in backasswards/backwoods Oregon. It was scary for me, because people flew the confederate flag like they fought in the Civil War. It was a non-issue, though. People either said hi or they kept on walking. I say, don't say anything. Most people vibe off of others, and well, maybe the interested tenants won't bring the old guy cookies and hoping the old guy has enough sense to mind his own business.

Smebdog said...

Thanks Kia, Jeff and Aimee--your insight/advice is exactly what I was hoping to hear--EXTREMELY helpful!

Smebdog said...

After that episode, never actually heard back from the couple--but if I had, I would not have brought up the neighbor, thanks to your feedback. Thankfully, the cabin in Crestline has been happily rented as of this last weekend . . .and life does go on!